In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the pursuit of inclusivity knows no borders, stands at the forefront of this transformative journey. On November 18, 2021, a significant milestone was reached with the online Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signing ceremony between and the Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat University of 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya (LPPM UNTAG Surabaya).
Located in East Java, Indonesia, LPPM UNTAG Surabaya, established in 1985, is a private university with a current student population of 14,000, spanning undergraduates, master’s, and doctoral candidates.
The primary objective of this partnership is to synergize efforts between the two organizations, aiming to assist individuals who have been underserved in terms of opportunities and knowledge in the field of technology.
The delegation, led by Marilag Dimatucal (Founder), Michelle Anne Tabirao (Co-Founder), and Hazel Cherry Tabirao (Community Manager), seamlessly collaborated with their UNTAG Surabaya counterparts. The LPPM UNTAG Surabaya representatives included Prof. Dr. Mulyanto Nugroho, M.M., CMA., CPA. (Chancellor), Dr. Abdul Halik, M.M. (Deputy Chancellor II), Dr. Tri Pramesti, MS (Head of Cooperation Agency), Elisa Sulistyorini, ST, MT, (Head of International Mobilization), Aris Heri Andriawan, ST, MT, (Head of LPPM UNTAG Surabaya), Dheny Jatmiko, S. Hum., MA, (Head of Community Service Center), and the esteemed Dean of UNTAG Surabaya.
This collaboration signifies a commitment to bridging borders, creating a platform for cooperation that transcends geographical boundaries. It is a shared vision of empowering underrepresented youth by providing them with the opportunities and knowledge necessary to thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of technology.
As and LPPM UNTAG Surabaya embark on this collaborative journey, the impact extends beyond local boundaries, resonating globally. This academic partnership represents a collective effort to build a more inclusive and empowered tech community, fostering growth and innovation on an international scale.